Wednesday, 2 March 2011

My liquor has a new home.

Costco, you've done it again!  After my most recent trip to costco my cocktail life has been once again made easier.  Until recently my closet has taken the role of liquor cabinet, this of course made for a major storage shortage for my clothes.  As most bartenders would agree liquor takes priority over clothes and I was away too cheap to spend $800 plus on a nice liquor cabinet.  When I venture to Costco chips, salsa and bacon are the first things on my mind, never cocktails.  But there it was, standing 6 feet tall the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and for $350, there was no question.  I was buying it.  After an hour of unpacking and vacuuming up styrofoam out of my carpet my liquor had a new home, and so did my 
clothes.  Here are some pictures of my new love. 

1 comment:

  1. That's a nice peace of furniture, too bad they don't make them anymore.
